
About library

The library of the Republican Medical College of the city of Almaty was organized in 1939, the total fund was 7000 copies (educational, artistic books and dictionaries), now the library is an important structural unit of the educational institution, participating in the training of secondary medical workers, providing the educational process with literature and information … And like any unit, it developed as the educational institution developed.

The library has three rooms: a reading room, a library service room, an electronic library room, and a book depository.

Today, the college library fund is rich and extensive, it is a well-stocked reference and bibliographic apparatus, the collection of which consists of both Kazakh and Russian reference, encyclopedic publications, a variety of fiction, a large volume of subscribed periodicals, but the most significant for our educational library is the educational fund. literature on special disciplines, according to the total book of the library, the book fund is actively increasing, for 2014 the library fund is 91,327 copies, it contains:

– fund of educational literature;

– scientific literature fund;

– fund of fiction;

– fund of periodicals (newspapers, magazines);

– electronic library fund.

About library

The library is actively used by students, teachers and college staff.

The library strives in all ways available to it to develop and maintain an interest in books and reading: it discloses its funds at exhibitions, thematic views, holds events aimed at improving the general culture of students. The library teaches the reader to competently form their information requests, carry out information search using all search tools – the library has an “Automated Library Information System – KABIS”, analyze the information received and navigate the information resources of the library.

About library

About library

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