  1. General Provisions

1.1 The Library is a structural unit of the College that provides educational, scientific, reference, fiction literature, periodicals and information materials for the educational process, as well as a center for the dissemination of knowledge, spiritual and intellectual communication, culture.

1.2 The College finances the activities of the library and monitors its work in accordance with current legislation.

1.3 The procedure for accessing the funds, the list of basic services and the conditions for their provision by libraries are determined in the rules for using the library.

  1. Main tasks

2.1 Full and operational library and information-bibliographic services for students, teachers, staff and other categories of readers, established in the rules for using the College library, in accordance with the information needs of readers.

2.2 Formation of the library fund in accordance with the profile of the College, educational professional programs and information needs of readers.

2.3 Organization and maintenance of reference and bibliographic apparatus and databases.

2.4 Participation in the educational and humanitarian activities of the College, the formation of socially necessary knowledge and skills among students, civic position, professional interests, promotion of cultural heritage.

2.5 Education of an information culture: instilling skills in using a book, other teaching aids, a library. Preparing readers to work with a reference apparatus, including in an automated mode.

2.6 Formation of a library and information culture, teaching readers modern methods of information retrieval, instilling skills in using the book.

2.7 Improving the work of the library through the introduction of modern technologies and computerization of library information processes.

  1. Basic functions

3.1 The library organizes a differentiated service for readers in the reading room, at the subscription and other points of issue established in the rules for using the College library, using the methods of individual and group service.

3.2 Provides readers with basic library services free of charge:

  • provides complete information on the composition of the library fund through a system of catalogs, cards and other forms of library information;
  • provides consulting assistance in the search and selection of printed works and other documents;
  • issues for temporary use works of print and other documents from the library fund.

3.3 Ensures the acquisition of the fund in accordance with educational and professional programs, curricula. Acquires educational, scientific, periodical, reference, fiction and other types of publications. It independently determines the sources of collection of funds.

3.4 Examines the degree of satisfaction of the reader’s demand in order to adjust the acquisition and bring the composition and topics of the fund in accordance with the information needs of readers. Analyzes the provision of students with textbooks and teaching aids.

3.5 Participates in the creation of consolidated catalogs of the region, including electronic ones, which allow to promptly provide readers with various services in an automated manner.

3.6 Takes part in the educational work of the College, using various forms and methods of individual and mass work.

3.7 Organizes classes for students on the formation of information culture.

3.8 Participates in advanced training of librarians.

3.9 Coordinates work with subject (cyclical) commissions and public organizations of the College. Interacts with regional libraries and educational institutions of a related profile.

  1. Management and organization of activities

4.1. The library is managed by a director who reports to the head of the College and is a member of the College’s Pedagogical Council.

The manager is responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the library, the results of the work within his competence, issues orders and instructions that are binding for all employees.

4.2. Library workers are appointed, transferred and dismissed by the Director of the College on the provision of the head of the library.

4.3. The library keeps documentation and records of its work, provides reports and work plans in the prescribed manner.

  1. Rights and obligations

The library has the right to:

5.1. To independently determine the content and specific forms of activity in accordance with the goals and objectives specified in the Regulations on the Library.

5.2. Submit drafts of documents for consideration and approval to the director of the College: rules for using the library, regulations on the library, job descriptions, price list of paid services and more.

5.3. Make proposals on the structure and staffing table, official salaries, allowances and additional payments to employees in accordance with the current standards, within the established library salary fund

5.4. Determine, in accordance with the rules for using the library, the types and amounts of compensation for damage caused by readers.

5.5. Get acquainted with the curricula and educational programs of the College. Receive from the structural divisions of the College materials and information necessary to solve the problems posed to the library.

5.6. To represent the College in various institutions and organizations within the limits of their competence, to participate in conferences, meetings and seminars on issues of library and information-bibliographic activities.

5.7. Conduct correspondence with other libraries and organizations in accordance with the established procedure.

5.8. To enter library associations in the order established by the current legislation.

5.9. The library is responsible for the preservation of the funds, bears, in accordance with the procedure established by law, responsibility for the failure to perform functions assigned to its competence. Library workers guilty of causing damage to library funds are liable in the manner prescribed by applicable law.

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