
Internal rules

These Rules are developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, the Charter and the internal regulations of the Republican College for the training and retraining of secondary medical and pharmaceutical workers from 24.02.2010, which determine the internal regulations of the Republican College of Education and retraining of nursing and pharmaceutical workers “of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the basic rights and obligations of the student, the administration of the College, and also regulate other issues related to the activities of the student at the College.

House rules are mandatory for college students.

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Rules are the main normative act that determines the internal schedule of students’ activities in the College.

1.2. Students (persons enrolled in the College for training by order of the director) are obliged to acquire knowledge, complete all types of assignments provided for in curricula and educational programs in a timely manner.

1.3. The academic discipline is provided by the administration of the College by creating the necessary organizational and economic conditions for normal high-performance work, the conscious fulfillment of educational duties by methods of persuasion, education, as well as encouragement for conscientious work and training. Disciplinary measures are applied to violators of discipline.

1.4. Issues related to the application of the Internal Regulations are resolved by the College administration within the rights granted to it, and in cases stipulated by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Internal Regulations – jointly or in agreement with the student trade union committee and the student Parliament of the College.

1.5. The internal regulations of the College students, as well as all changes and additions to them, are adopted by the pedagogical council, with the participation of representatives of the College students on the proposal of the administration and come into force from the moment the director signs the order.

1.6. The text of the Internal Regulations for Students’ Activities is posted on the notice board in the College.

2. Basic rights of students

College students have the right to:

2.1. to receive education in accordance with the state compulsory education standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2.2. for training on an educational grant and on a contractual basis;

2.3. to receive a stipend in the prescribed amount (for persons studying under the state order);

2.4. acquire knowledge corresponding to the modern level of development of science, technology and culture;

2.5. respect for their human dignity, freedom of conscience, information, free expression of their own opinions and beliefs;

2.6. to participate in the discussion and solution of the most important issues of the college, including through public student organizations and college governing bodies;

2.7. for free use of the college library, information funds, services of educational, medical and other departments;

2.8. the opportunity to participate in all types of creative projects, research projects, in conferences, symposia, meetings, competitions, festivals, submitting their works for publication, including in college publications, to engage in subject circles;

2.9. To participate in conferences, various competitions, amateur performances, in the work of sports sections, in competitions, Health Days and other events organized by the structural divisions of the College;

2.10. receive advice from teachers on the disciplines studied, the opportunity to speak out about the quality and methods of teaching and make proposals for their improvement;

2.11. for moral and (or) material encouragement for special academic success and active participation in the educational and social work of the College;

2.12. choose elective courses offered by the teachers of the College;

2.13. elect and be elected to the student government of the college.

3. The main responsibilities of students

College students are required to:

3.1. fulfill the obligations enshrined in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”;

3.2. comply with the Charter of the College, the internal regulations of students’ activities, follow the decisions of the Pedagogical Council, orders and orders of the director, deputy directors, regulating educational, creative, scientific processes, their organization and conduct;

3.3. students of all forms of training of the College are required to master theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their chosen specialty, complete all types of assignments on time, take all exams and tests in strict accordance with curricula and training programs on time (examination session);

3.4. Attend training sessions in accordance with State educational standards and complete all types of tasks provided for by the curriculum and programs in a timely manner, eliminate debts in a timely manner;

3.5. comply with the requirements for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation, occupational health and fire protection, provided for by the relevant rules and instructions approved by the Director of the College;

3.6. protect the property of the College, preventing it from damage, effectively use equipment and technology, use the dedicated resource for working on the Internet exclusively for educational and research purposes, take good care of the subjects given out for the use of students, economically and efficiently use energy, water and other resources;

3.7. respect the human dignity and opinion of students, teachers, college staff, be tolerant of the opinion of others, intolerant of all antisocial manifestations;

3.8. being in the educational building of the College, behave with dignity, refrain from actions that prevent other students from fulfilling their duties, follow generally accepted moral and ethical standards, take care of the College’s business reputation;

3.9. be disciplined, organized, maintain cleanliness and order in all educational and other premises of the College, regularly take part in cleaning activities for educational and auxiliary premises of the educational building of the College and the surrounding area;

3.10. To be disciplined and tidy, to behave with dignity in college, on the street, in public places and in everyday life.

Boys should wear short-cropped hair, clean shaven, girls – neat hairstyles, hair pulled back;

3.11. for the facts of extortion, offense, fights, the student is excluded from the number of college students;

3.12. to be in classrooms, corridors of the College and at educational bases in full medical form, established by the administration of the college sample – a medical gown with a badge of the established sample, a cap, have a student ID with you. It is prohibited to leave the territory of the College in a medical gown, cap;

At physical education lessons, a sports uniform of the established pattern;

3.13. at the entrance to the lecturer’s room, representatives of the administration greet them, getting up from their seats;

3.14. during training sessions, carefully listen to the explanations of teachers and the answers of comrades, do not talk, do not be distracted, follow all the instructions of the teacher When asking and answering questions, get up and sit down only with the permission of the teacher. Entering and leaving the classroom during classes is allowed only with the permission of the teacher.

3.15. during classes in laboratories, clinics, hospitals, prosectories, offices and during training and practical training, use only those devices and manuals that are indicated by the head of the class, handle them carefully and follow safety rules, photo and video filming on mobile phones prohibited;

3.16. in case of failure to appear for classes due to illness or other valid reasons, immediately notify the head of the department, class teacher, head of the group. The reason for missing classes is considered disrespectful if the student did not inform the head of the department, class teacher, head of the group about it, having started classes, within three days, did not submit a justifying document. In case of illness, the student is obliged to submit a certificate issued by an outpatient, medical institution or College health center in the prescribed form;

3.18. in each group, by order of the director, the head of the group is appointed from among the most successful and disciplined students;

3.19. the duties of the head of the group include maintaining discipline in the group, timely receipt and distribution of a group of textbooks among students, timely delivery of the necessary documents to the head of the department;

3.20. the headman of the group reports directly to the class teacher, the head of the department, deputy directors, the chairman of the student parliament and carries out all their oral and written instructions and brings to the knowledge of his group;

3.21. entrance of students to the College is carried out through the turnstile, using a personal QR-coda, or upon presentation of a student card or pass of an established sample at the watch.

4. In the premises of the College are prohibited:

4.1. loud conversations, noise, listening to music, using foul language, walking down the halls during class;

4.2. acts of physical violence or threat, mistreatment and insult to each other, theft of property of others, willful damage to personal property of others and the College, aggressive or

hooligan behavior (rude behavior, shouting, etc.), as well as other illegal actions;

4.3. smoke, litter, spit in the building, on the territory, in the yard, on the porch of the main entrance of the educational building;

4.4. the use of alcoholic beverages, the use of drugs of toxic and drug intoxication;

4.5. bring, transfer or use weapons, explosives, gas cartridges, use any means and substances that can lead to explosions and fires;

4.6. use physical force to sort things out, perform any actions that entail dangerous consequences for others;

4.7. The use of seeds, gambling;

4.8. Have mobile phones turned on during classes and extracurricular activities, wear headphones and chew gum, charge mobile phones and other personal equipment from the college power grid;

4.9. To use bright cosmetics, wear a lot of jewelry, wear long and bright manicure;

4.10. distribute malicious software on college local networks and the Internet;

4.11. put any inscriptions and drawings on the walls, classroom tables and in other places, stick up and post advertisements and other materials without the permission of the administration;

4.12. hold public events of a political and religious nature in violation of public order and the regulations for their holding, use the attributes of unregistered organizations and promote ideas that contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4.13. run along corridors and stairs, push other students, throw various objects at each other. To pay attention to the students of the specialty “Masseur” from among the visually impaired;

4.14. wearing religious clothing, opening prayer rooms, and using religious paraphernalia in college;

4.15. come to college in shorts, T-shirts, flip-flops, sportswear, except for physical education lessons and sports events;

4.16. bring outerwear (coats, jackets, raincoats, hats, etc.) into classrooms;

4.17. consume food and drinks during classes;

4.18. interrupt classes, enter and leave the classroom during classes without the teacher’s permission;

4.19. not to allow actions aimed at inciting racial, national, religious enmity and hatred, at humiliation of national honor and dignity;

4.20. carry out various equipment, other college property without the permission of the College administration.

4.21. the student must maintain the student’s academic integrity and avoid:

a) cheating, using cheat sheets and other illegal methods of obtaining information in order to help oneself or someone else in the performance of academic work, during the interim or final certification;

b) plagiarism, i.e. stealing or passing off someone else’s ideas or conclusions, presenting the corresponding work as the result of one’s own thoughts and ideas;

c) falsification and postscript of data in documents (educational journals, grade books, student cards), copying, changing or any other use of stored information (including computer).

5. The main responsibilities of the administration

In order to ensure the conditions of study, the administration of the College:

5.1. ensures the organization of the work of scientific and pedagogical, administrative, economic, educational support and other personnel;

5.2. provides a healthy and safe learning environment, equipment in good condition;

5.3. within the limits of the College’s financial resources, it provides material and technical support and equipment of the educational process, equipment of premises;

5.4. takes measures for the proper methodological support of the educational process;

5.5. does not admit to study a student who appears in a state of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication;

5.6. takes the necessary measures for the prevention of industrial injuries, constantly monitors the knowledge and observance by students of all requirements of the instructions for safety measures, industrial sanitation and labor hygiene, fire protection;

5.7. Ensures proper maintenance of premises, heating, lighting, ventilation, equipment, creates normal conditions for storing students’ outerwear;

5.8. timely considers proposals of students to improve activities, increase the authority of the College and its divisions;

5.9. ensures the protection of the educational institution, the safety of equipment, inventory and other property, as well as maintaining the necessary order in educational and household buildings, the protection of the building, property and responsibility for their fire and sanitary condition is imposed by the order of the director on the relevant officials;

5.10. provides improvement in the premises of the College (availability of serviceable furniture, educational equipment, maintenance of normal temperature, lighting, etc.), serviceability of equipment and readiness of textbooks for classes.

6. Student Parliament:

6.1. the student Parliament in its work is guided by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, this Regulation and other regulatory legal acts;

6.2. students may be members of the College Student Parliament;

6.3. the student parliament is composed of persons elected in the students’ general elections;

6.4. Student Parliament:

  • coordinates the activities of students, group leaders;
  • voluntarily engages students in the performance of community service in the College (cleaning rooms) and in the surrounding area;
  • helps the administration of the College in organizing control over the safety of material values;
  • represents the interests of students;
  • organizes cultural work;

6.5. The following issues must be agreed with the Student Parliament:

  • incentives and disciplinary measures applied to students;
  • a plan of extracurricular activities in the College;
    and other issues, if this is explicitly stated in the College regulations.
  • The administration of the College takes measures to moral and material encouragement of the members of Parliament for their successful work.

7. Study schedule, study time and its use

7.1. the academic year begins on September 1, consists of two semesters and ends according to the curriculum for this educational and professional program;

7.2. the educational process at the College is carried out 5 days a week (from Monday to Friday) in accordance with the curriculum and class schedule. Study on Sunday and holidays is allowed in exceptional cases in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

7.3. the schedule of classes is approved by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Deputy Director for Practical Training and posted in the designated place;

7.4. after the start of classes, all the classrooms and the adjacent premises must be provided with the silence and order necessary for the normal course of training sessions. It is unacceptable to interrupt training sessions, enter and leave the classroom during their conduct;

7.5. the entrance of students and exit from the classroom after the actual start of classes by the teacher is allowed only with the permission of the teacher;

7.6. in each academic group, a register of students’ attendance is kept in the established form; every day before the start of classes, the head of the group notes in it those present and absent from the class;

7.7. in case of failure to show up for classes for a valid reason no later than the next day, the student notifies the head of the department or class teacher about this and on the first day of attendance, submits data on the reason for the failure to appear and documents of the established form (certificates, summons, letters, telegrams, etc. etc.) containing information of an exculpatory nature;

7.8. the student is obliged to work out missed classes according to the schedule approved by the deputy director. Working off of missed classes by a student is carried out outside the class schedule at the Monitoring Center by the teacher on duty.

8. Rewards for academic success

8.1. For academic success and active participation in the creative, scientific and social life of the College, the following forms of moral and material encouragement are established for students:

a) announcement of gratitude;

b) rewarding with the Certificate of Honor of the College;

c) other incentives.

Incentives are announced by order of the director, communicated to the entire team and stored in the student’s personal file.

9. Responsibility for violation of academic discipline

9.1. for non-fulfillment of curricula, violation of the duties provided for by the College Charter, the Internal Regulations, the following disciplinary measures can be applied:

1) remark;

2) a reprimand;

3) expulsion from college;

9.2. Students can receive disciplinary action in the following cases:

a) a one-time or systematic failure to fulfill the obligations provided for by these Internal Rules:

b) using the classroom for other purposes;

c) destruction or damage to the classroom;

d) storage, distribution of narcotic drugs;

e) in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

f) in the presence of absences from studies without good reason, the student:

  • 18 hours in advance – a warning is announced;
  • in 36 hours – a reprimand is announced;
  • 56 hours in advance – expelled from college;

9.3. the application of disciplinary sanctions is formalized by order of the director of the College;

9.4. for negligent attitude to documents (loss of student ID, record book, etc.), disciplinary measures will be applied to students. In case of loss of the document, its duplicate can be issued only once for the entire period of the student’s studies at the College. Lost student ID and grade book are restored by the student at his own expense;

9.5. recovery of a student for violations of the Charter of the College, previously agreed with the trade union committee of college students. Expulsion for academic failure and violation of academic discipline is not agreed with the trade union committee;

9.7. disciplinary action, including expulsion, may be applied to a College student after receiving a written explanation from him. A student’s refusal to provide an explanation in writing does not preclude application to

disciplinary measures. Only one disciplinary measure may be applied for each disciplinary offense;

disciplinary actions are issued by order of the college director. Information on the application of a disciplinary sanction is entered into the student’s personal file;

9.8. when applying a disciplinary sanction, the severity of the offense, the circumstances under which it was committed, the student’s previous studies and behavior are taken into account;

9.9. it is not allowed to expel students during their illness (documented), academic leave;

9.10. the grounds for the expulsion of persons studying at the College, including in the event of their committing illegal actions, are determined by the Charter of the College, in accordance with the law “On Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. A student can be expelled from the College:

– at their own request, including due to illness or in connection with transfer to another educational institution;

– for academic failure (upon receipt of three or more unsatisfactory grades per session, with non-liquidation of academic debt in a timely manner);

– for violation of the terms of the contract, if training is carried out on the basis of full reimbursement of costs;

– for gross or repeated violation of the duties stipulated by the Charter of the College, these Rules, while the violation of the above rules is considered to be repeated if disciplinary measures or pressure were applied to the student earlier within one year;

– for committing a crime established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force, as well as for committing other illegal actions that discredit the title of a college student;

– for the use of narcotic substances, not caused by medical necessity;

– if a student has not started studies in the current academic year or semester of the academic year without good reason within a calendar month from the start of classes, he can also be expelled from the College.

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